This year's tournament marks the 13 year anniversary of The Clayton A. Pfeiffer Memorial Golf Tournament. The tournament will be held on Saturday, August 3rd, at Gateway National Golf Links. We will again have a morning flight (8 AM) and an afternoon flight (2 PM) to accommodate the large number of people wanting to participate. For full details, download the .pdf flyer.
This tournament is to benefit the Clayton Pfeiffer Scholarship fund at Vianney High School. Last year's tournament turned out to be a huge success, as we were able to raise enough money to establish the scholarship at Vianney. Now, we have to keep it going. Our hope is to continue to raise more money so that we can impact even more young men and assist them with their education. 100% of the proceeds goes to benefit this scholarship at Vianney. Last year's tournament sold out very quickly, and we were forced to turn away many people that were interested in participating. We fully expect this year to be no different. Initially, we are giving those that participated last year the first opportunity to RSVP for the tournament before releasing the information to the public in 3 weeks. I encourage you to send in your registration details as quickly as possible to reserve your spot before it sells out. In addition to golfers, we are also looking for sponsors, donations for prizes, and items for the auction. If you have any contacts with anyone who might be interested in any of the sponsorship levels, we encourage you to pass that lead on to us, or pursue the sponsorship on your own. Sponsorships are our biggest source of revenue, and we need them to make this event a success. Therefore, those that did sponsor last year, we are hoping you will renew your sponsorship for this year. We do expect some sponsors not to renew, so we will be looking for replacements for those. Download the Sponsorship Insert. Please keep in mind that last year there were 225 golfers, and an additional 75-100 people that attended the tournament but did not play. This is a great opportunity to get a lot of exposure for your company/organization/family, and show your support for this great cause. Finally, this is the only annual event we have to honor Clayton. This gives all of us family and friends the opportunity to all gather together in his memory. It is our hope that you will want to continue to be a part of this day. If you have any questions, any suggestions, any leads, or anything else that you would like to discuss in greater detail, please do not hesitate to reach out. I look forward to another great event!!! Sincerely, Dan Chinnici 314-799-5540 |
2024 Clayton A. Pfeiffer Golf TourneyThis year's tournament will be held on Saturday, August 3rd, at Gateway National Golf Links. This tournament exists to honor Clay and benefit the Clayton Pfeiffer Scholarship fund at Vianney High School. Sign Up Now!
Become a Sponsor or DonorWe are so proud and thankful for all of our sponsors and donors who have helped make the Clayton A. Pfeiffer Memorial Golf Tournament possible. Thank you everyone for your generosity. We truly appreciate it. Sign Up to Be a Sponsor or Donor!
Clay's Family is Humbled By All of YouSo many people take part in this event to come together to celebrate and honor Clay, while raising some money to benefit the scholarship. We hope you all will join us to make this year's golf tournament another successful event.
2023 Clayton A. Pfeiffer Golf Tourney
This year's tournament will be held on Saturday, August 5th, at Gateway National Golf Links. This tournament exists to honor Clay and benefit the Clayton Pfeiffer Scholarship fund at Vianney High School. Sign Up Now! |
Become a Sponsor or Donor
We are so proud and thankful for all of our sponsors and donors who have helped make the Clayton A. Pfeiffer Memorial Golf Tournament possible. Thank you everyone for your generosity. We truly appreciate it. Sign Up to Be a Sponsor or Donor! |
Clay's Family is Humbled By All of You
So many people take part in this event to come together to celebrate and honor Clay, while raising some money to benefit the scholarship. We hope you all will join us to make this year's golf tournament another successful event. |